Help!!! I am the subject of office gossip

Gossip hurts, especially when you know it's not true.

It's sometimes exciting to listen to gossip even though that's a disgusting habit but the most painful thing about gossip is when things are being said about you that are not only malicious but also untrue.

Here's how to deal with office gossip when you are the subject;

1. Stay calm; No matter how hard this is (and trust me, I know how hard it can be), stay calm, do not fret or cause the gossip to make you act out in weird and funny ways.

2. Don't talk about it at all; except it has potential to affect your career negatively, then you need to address the source, respectfully and publicly with the aim of putting an end to it once and for all. When doing this, be brief, stick to the point and avoid unnecessary drama.

3. Have some empathy for the gossips; sometimes people gossip in order to feel better about their lives. You're performing, seemingly successful, etc. cooking up a story about you might make their imperfections easier to live with. People also fear what they do not understand and hence the gossip.

4. Learn from it; A wise man once said, never let a crisis go to waste in your life. What led to the gossip; did your character create that perception? What emotional reactions did you have and how did you deal with them? Answering these questions could increase your emotional intelligence quotient. Whatever happens, make sure you learn from it.

5. Remind yourself how bad the subject of gossip feels; when next you're tempted to gossip , remember how bad it feels to be on the receiving end and shut up.

6. Grow, live and continue the hustle; Never let the gossips detract you. Live your life and ignore what you have to. There's a saying that if you listen to everything being said, you will hear your own servant curse you.

These are my sugegstions. I can't wait to hear yours. I promise to respond to comments.

Have a wonderful weekend ahead.

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