How a good girl can be Hot

One of our readers asked that I do a post on how a good girl can be sharp and land a man in the 21st century.

I am no authority on relationship issues, I just write based on what I've observed as well as research from friends, family, well wishers, etc.

I had originally done a post on  why good girls suffer and this post will highlight how to get the best of life as a good girl, it might not land you a man (as good men are gifts from above) but it will ensure you have an exciting and balanced life. So read and found out how to be a good girl and hot;

  • Define your sense of style; Fashion and style has this way of opening doors for us. Whether you're a tomboy, good girl, sexy siren, corporate conservative type, it's important to define your sense of style and hone it with so much finesse. Find a style icon that suits your style to serve as a source of inspiration.
  • Learn social rules; you need to understand what the social rules of life are and you'll do this by observing and listening to feedback. No need to swim against the tide, go with the flow but know where you want to go.
  • Define yourself; Know who you are, strengths, weakness and all. Hone your strengths and find a way to downplay your weaknesses.
  • Learn the art of seduction; and by this, I do not mean getting a man into bed or wanting to have sex with you. As a person, you need to learn how to draw attention to your strengths without looking like you're the one running after attention. You do this by being consistent, thinking positive thoughts about yourself and others, being graceful as much as possible, and being genuinely happy for others who have the spotlight. Some people have this naturally, while others have to learn this but if you do what's written above, you will attract your tribe.
  • Flirt; by flirt I mean be open, go out with guys when they ask you out, that way you get to practice your 'man catching skills' and you are never needy and when you do find the guy you like, he has to walk his way up the queue as there are a lot of people on it already.
  • Have a positive aura; an aura that inviting,warm, graceful and peaceful. No one wants to be near a dowdy Jane or a miserable person. To have a positive aura, you will have to think positive thoughts and never see yourself as a victim.
  • Think positive thoughts; You are your thought life. Think of yourself as a million dollar bill, don't ever think you're a victim. Say to yourself, 'I am a Lion, not a Cat' and carry yourself as such.
Remember, being a good girl is not an excuse to be boring, socially awkward, a victim, poorly or scruffy dressed etc. You can be a good girl and still be hotttt!!!!!

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