I had a funny incident with a colleague because I didn't vote for her to win the best dressed female during the office awards. Her exact words were 'you don't want it to be me that will win the awards' To say I was shocked was an understatement, it was a vote and I had the right to vote who I believed deserved to win, besides, I didn't know she really wanted the award. In the end neither she nor my candidate won but that event sowed the seed of her telling everyone I was jealous of her and gossiping about me behind my back and we eventually stopped speaking a few months later.
That incident got me thinking, 'Is there a sister code?' we hear a lot about the bro code but is there really a sister code? I believe there is as I've highlighted below;
- Respect a sister for who she is; we need to allow people be their best selves around us. If we genuinely cannot stand someone's behavior, there is no need for a forced friendship but there is also no need to make them feel bad about themselves either.
- Don't gossip about your friends; in fact, people should be unable to say bad things about them in your presence. If people can gossip about your friends in your presence, it says something about who you are. And if you're the one doing the gossiping, 'et tu mon amie?'.
- Friends' crushes and exes are off limits; except when they give the go ahead.
- Secrets must be safe with you
- Be there for them; through the good, bad and ugly. When the boyfriend hurts them, when they get that proposal or contract. Be the first to promote their business, buy from them and actually pay.
- Forgive; mistakes that were made honestly with good intentions.
- Give them space; Nobody wants a second mother. Let them be who they are and make their own mistakes. Sometimes, we can be too intrusive.
- Don't put friends down publicly; this hurts and also makes you a smaller person.
These are some codes I came up with. If there are other codes, do state them in the comment section.