New Year, New Goals and a Recession

So it's the end of the 1st working week of the Year 2017.

2017 was a year I really looked forward to because I wanted 2016 to end; it was stretching and dollar was rising.

As is our tradition in Nigeria, it is time to write down goals for the year and these are my goals;

- Change my car.

- Attend the Canne festival; as a marketing communications chick that I am now

- Have at least 'X' million saved up.

- Attend a training in Columbia business school.

- Up my fashion game and generally be on point this year. To be honest, I must be noticed by the Instagram fashion handles this year.

- Give myself a birthday treat with a vacation to Zanzibar and Houston.

Just as I was writing these goals, some monitoring spirits kept reminding me of the economic situation but there is no shaking because I have a God who never fails; a miracle working God able to do all things.

I just remembered that the 2 week fasting and prayer for the year starts next week and this  work diva is going to pray like her life depends (PLHLD) on it oh. This dollar and recession must not dull me when I have a Heavenly Father who never fails.

Happy New Year all and may our dreams come true and promise yourself that you will stick to your resolutions this year and not dump them after the 10th of January.

2017 is our year.

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